The images I create would not be possible if not for the help of a lot of talented, inspiring and beautiful women. Some are professional models, but most are local women who reached out to me when I posted a need for models. I appreciate and enjoyed getting to know every one of them and some have even become good friends. Unfortunately, most of them move away at some point and I have to start looking again.
I will ALWAYS need, and be looking for, new models to create images with.
So what exactly am I looking for?
Basically, I need someone who is:
Willing to sign a model release and be legally able to do so (19 years old or older in Alabama)
Reasonably close to Northwest Alabama (Florence/Muscle Shoals area)
Willing to model for the projects I need them for
Are you looking for experienced models?
Not specifically. While I DO look for experienced models sometimes, any level of experience is fine. As long as you’re comfortable with the subject matter and can move and pose gracefully, feel free to contact me. Some of my best models weren’t professionals. Look around at the images on this website. If you think you could do it, you’re probably right!
Do I have to pose nude?
Absolutely not. You will never be expected to do anything beyond your personal limits. You may be asked, however, because I need to know what those limits are. If you have an issue with a particular shoot idea, you will never have to be part of it. If I say, “Would you be interested in a lingerie shoot?”, and you don’t want to, just say so. You can always change your mind later if you want.
Will I be paid?
Yes! You’ll be acting as an independent contractor and can negotiate payment in exchange for your services as a model/subject for me.
Do I have to pay you?
Nope. Not unless you want to order some kind of custom product from me.
What about OnlyFans?
I signed up for Onlyfans with my boudoir brand name “The Scarlet Garter” to keep the name from being used by anyone else. I haven’t posted anything there. I’m not really sure what I want to do with it right now, but I won’t post anyone’s images there unless they have agreed to it. If you have an OnlyFans and want to use the images on yours, that can be arranged!
Can my identity be kept secret if I pose nude?
That’s a tough one. I can shoot and publish images that don’t show your face or recognizable tattoos, but there will always be a way for someone to identify photos of you online. Someone will be able to pick out that scar/birthmark/mole/freckle that you and I never even thought about, and identify you. There’s no way that I can promise you won’t be found out. You have to REALLY be sure you’re okay with people you know finding out you posed nude before you do it, because they probably will.
For example…
Unless you know these people, I would assume you wouldn’t recognize them and I never tag anyone who asks to not be tagged.
If you’ve made it this far and you’re still interested in being a model/subject for me, please take a moment to fill out this form. I have many “art projects” to work on and would love to have a variety of models/subjects to help me out with them. Thank you!